Delicious food

The food at Sund

At Sund folk high school we aim to serve you healthy and nutritious food. In addition, the food is very good. We focus heavily on organic ingredients and do not use ready-made products.

Good food doesn't make itself. For example, the kitchen bakes the bread itself. The breads that are baked are high in fiber and seeds. At Sund folk high school we employ four chefs who work every day to provide the students who attend here with the very best food.

Orientation to the world

The school's profile should be reflected in the meals served. Over the course of a year at Sund folk high school , students get to experience dishes from many parts of the world. International and Norwegian food is served for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

You're guaranteed to encounter dishes you've never tasted before!

Vegetarian or vegan diet

The school offers students and guests a vegetarian/vegan option. With us, vegetarians and vegans get a complete diet that gives you all the nutrients you need. On Tuesdays, we have "Green Tuesday" at the school. This gives all pupils good, varied and healthy food without meat.

Special diets

We know that food allergies and food intolerances are common in many people, which is why we offer special diets for those in need.

Sund does not charge extra for vegetarian, vegan or special diets.

Organic food and national recognition

The school uses organic ingredients and disseminates knowledge about organic food . For us, organic thinking is about taking responsibility for the earth.

We have a number of organic products in our inventory. In 2019, the organic share of purchases was 72%.

During the Food Prize 2016, Sund received the national Debi Prize . The award is a recognition and proof of the school's work with organic food and dissemination of good and healthy food culture.

In brief:

  • We make our food from scratch
  • Bread baked at school
  • Debio serving label in Silver
  • In 2019 we served 72% organic food
  • No extra charge for vegan, vegetarian or special diets

Social media for Sund in general

Organic food

Sund folk high school is approved for use of Debio's silver catering label.

More about the diet

The kitchen at Sund folk high school makes much of its food from scratch. This makes the food healthier and more nutritious.

Sund folk high school will give students dietary habits during a school year that they will take with them for the rest of their lives. Diet is important for the development of young people's bodies, which is why the school has set goals for food and diet.

Sund folk high school uses fair trade products and wants to educate others about fair trade . This is part of the school's international solidarity profile.

Fairtradefolk high school