Year-round course (two semesters)

Early music
(baroque and early classical)

This is a course for people with an interest in early music (baroque and early classical). the course can also be used as preparation for higher music education in Norway and at recognized institutions abroad.

This is a professional course intended for "old instruments in lower tuning" - with goals and working methods to create a professionally strong historical interpretation and performance practice.  

Professional program

Groups: Typical chamber music ensembles – “trio sonata ensembles”, as well as larger and smaller ones – can be combined up to a “chamber orchestra” – expandable, depending on registration – and possible projects.
Instruments: Typical “baroque instruments”, such as violin, recorder, traverso, oboe, cello, gamba, lute, baroque guitar and hammerklaver  

Vocals: Baroque singing - in all voice parts - as the "main instrument", ensemble, as well as the instrument of choice for the instrumentalists.
Professionals in project weeks: external teachers are invited to Sund. Excursions - at home and abroad: - visits to other professional educational institutions - at home and abroad - e.g.: Oslo / Basel / Amsterdam. 

Assignment project: Students undertake an individual project (special assignment). This can be of a theoretical/historical nature, written/media, as well as performing - own concert. 

During the school year, you will be part of the community Sund folk high school . In addition to line teaching, you will participate in joint teaching with students from other courses schools in the major themes, such as democracy, citizenship, nature and the environment, life skills and health. 

In brief:

  • Group training
  • Individual instruction
  • High professional level
  • Social community

More about the course

Hardly any place in Scandinavia is better suited to a proper early musiccourse than Sund folk high school ! With great working conditions in one of the most beautiful locations imaginable - and together with the other lines and offerings the school offers - Sund is ideal in all respects.

Both internationally and locally, Sund therefore invites both concentrated, creative and in-depth development for the benefit of the young generation, who also want to include the compassionate qualities that folk high schools have as a goal and, if you like, work model.

Tidligmusikk-the course will therefore place great emphasis on integration with the entire school - in addition to providing the best possible conditions for artistic, musical and instrument-technical development within the music subject - and be a preparatory guide and qualitative support for future professional studies for the students.

Great emphasis is placed on chamber music ensemble playing in the relevant combinations, as the student distribution may allow - but there are also good opportunities for individual tuition in harpsichord and fortepiano - as well as for other instrumentalists and singers to keep in touch with their teachers, according to their own arrangements.

Because we think this is important, we will also include practical music subjects, such as basso continuo, and theoretical subjects, with tone movements, analysis, music history, individual special assignments and projects and, not least, concerts both at and outside the school.

Teaching, interaction situation

This is what you will learn

  • Interpretation, communication and concert activities 
  • General bass/basso continuo 
  • Harmony 
  • Counterpoint 
  • Theory of form 
  • Analysis 
  • Genre 
  • Form  
  • Function 
  • Interaction 

European cities of culture

The study trip takes place in the spring and goes to cultural cities in Europe, such as Lübeck, Cologne or Venice. We visit renowned educational institutions and major stages for baroque music.

Students' annual plan Sund folk high school 2024-2025

The last day of school for the 2024–25 school year is Thursday, May 15, 2025.

Year program: Fall 2025–Spring 2026

NOK 152 000,-

School fees include:

  • Accommodation in a double room at Sund fhs
  • All food at Sund fhs (four meals per day) - we don't charge extra for special diets, vegetarian or vegan food
  • The study trip - academic program, accommodation, food and transportation are included
  • Joint school trips and excursions
  • Wireless internet, copying and printing for teaching
  • Use of gym, training room, rehearsal room, photo studio, darkroom
  • Use of washing machines and dryers
  • Expenses for the vast majority of electives
  • Transport in connection with training
  • Administration fee at NOK 2 500,-

All lessons are free of charge.

School fees are not included:

Most of the materials we use in teaching are included. However, if you want to make something different/more/larger than what the teacher has planned, you must expect to pay for the extra equipment yourself.

  • Deposit for key and use of equipment at NOK 1 300,-
  • Single room supplement at NOK. 5 850,- (650 per month for 9 months)
  • Pocket money for personal consumption

Loans and grants from Lånekassen

As a student on year-round programs at Sund folk high school , you are entitled to study support from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (if you are a Norwegian citizen).

In the school year 2024-2025, students will receive a total of NOK 137,900 in grants and loans from Statens Lånekasse. Of this, 40%, i.e. NOK 55,160, will be converted into a grant once you have completed the school year and had it approved. If you are a student on a half-year course, you will receive half the loan amount. 

Read more about loans and grants
As soon as you have a place at Sund folk high school , you can apply for grants and loans

We do not have an application deadline and you can apply throughout the year. We start admitting students from November 15, and accept students as long as there is room at the course.

Admission criteria:

  • Age limit 18 years, exceptionally 18 years before the study trip
  • We accept students as long as there is room on the course you apply
  • We focus on motivation and interests


  • Send an online application
  • We'll get back to you as soon as we can
  • Write a little about yourself and why you want to join Sund
  • It's a good idea to apply early, even if we don't start admissions until November 15.

Early music
No results!

What former students say

The folk high school year is often called the year you find yourself, which I disagree with. This is the open year, which you yourself choose how to become. If you start at folk high school, you have enormous opportunities to learn a lot about yourself and the world.
Jan Olav Danielsen