Year-round course (two semesters)
Early music
(baroque and early classical)
This is a course for people with an interest in early music (baroque and early classical). the course can also be used as preparation for higher music education in Norway and at recognized institutions abroad.
This is a professional course intended for "old instruments in lower tuning" - with goals and working methods to create a professionally strong historical interpretation and performance practice.
Professional program
Groups: Typical chamber music ensembles – “trio sonata ensembles”, as well as larger and smaller ones – can be combined up to a “chamber orchestra” – expandable, depending on registration – and possible projects.
Instruments: Typical “baroque instruments”, such as violin, recorder, traverso, oboe, cello, gamba, lute, baroque guitar and hammerklaver
Vocals: Baroque singing - in all voice parts - as the "main instrument", ensemble, as well as the instrument of choice for the instrumentalists.
Professionals in project weeks: external teachers are invited to Sund. Excursions - at home and abroad: - visits to other professional educational institutions - at home and abroad - e.g.: Oslo / Basel / Amsterdam.
Assignment project: Students undertake an individual project (special assignment). This can be of a theoretical/historical nature, written/media, as well as performing - own concert.
During the school year, you will be part of the community Sund folk high school . In addition to line teaching, you will participate in joint teaching with students from other courses schools in the major themes, such as democracy, citizenship, nature and the environment, life skills and health.